Benefits of NLCBF Membership

Membership of the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum is open to all English Local Authority Leaving Care Teams.

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NLCBF professional hero image. NLCBF professional hero image.

Members benefits including:


  • Attendance at 6 days specialist peer learning and development events for managers
  • Attendance at 3 days themed learning and development away days for practitioners
  • Annual PA Event and ‘PA of the Year’ awards
  • Advice and support from leaving care policy and practice experts
  • ‘Participation Network’ & ‘Employment, Education, Training Network’

Resources, Support & Members website

  • Resources developed by the forum, Eg. Local Offer Toolkit
  • Regular policy and practice updates
  • Exclusive member area of NLCBF website
  • Members’ online peer enquiry and benchmarking service
  • Access to specialist training and consultancy services
  • Practice Lead 1-1 support sessions for team managers
  • Access to extensive research and resources about leaving care
Resources, Support & Members website

Networking & influence

  • Campaigning & influencing with care experienced young people around key areas
  • Regular consultations with DfE, DWP, Ofsted and opportunities to influence developments at a national level
  • Close working relationship with HMPPS & leaving care organisations
  • Networking & peer support with professionals working in leaving care
Networking & influence

Opportunities for young people to be involved

  • Opportunity for care leavers in member Local Authorities to join the Young Person’s Benchmarking Forum (YPBMF) – attend events, share ideas and have a voice in the national context
  • Care X Apprentice Network for care experienced apprentices
  • Steering group of leaving care managers & YPBMF Rep shape direction of forum and content of events
Opportunities for young people to be involved


“Being part of NLCBF over a period of time has allowed us to massively improve the services we offer to care leavers. The opportunity to hear best practice from around the country from managers, practitioners and most importantly young people has inspired us to think creatively and work in different ways. The improvements in Coventry have been recognised by partners, Ofsted and our young people. Big changes include introduction of a House Project, improved support to care leavers in custody and a strong local offer which involves local businesses as well.”

Matt Clayton, Strategic Lead, Coventry

Benefits of the NLCBF Forum

Download a Benefits of the NLCBF Forum summary here. Please do contact us for an informal chat if you are interested in finding out more.

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Benefits of the NLCBF Forum