About Us

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What is the National leaving Care Benchmarking Forum (NLCBF)?

NLCBF are a forum of local authority leaving care teams in England, working together to improve outcomes for young people leaving care.

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What does NLCBF do?


Events – NLCBF run events throughout the year for leaving care practitioners & managers which focus on sharing good practice, hearing the voice of care experienced young people & sharing the latest policy & research updates. All NLCBF member local authorities have access to these events, many of which can be accessed online as well as in person.

Online Networks

We host three online forums for peer support & learning around specific focuses: Education, Training & Employment Network (hosted with Care Leaver Covenant), Participation Network & Care X Apprentice Network.

Members’ Website

The NLCBF members’ website offers leaving care professionals the latest resources, news & updates as well as hosting contact information to facilitate peer support & networking.

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The Young Person’s Benchmarking Forum is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring the voices of care experienced young people shape our work and priorities.

Find out more here.

About the Young People’s Benchmarking Forum

The Young People’s Benchmarking Forum (YPBMF) is at the heart of the NLCBF & ensures that the voices of care experienced young people shape the direction & priorities of the forum. We encourage all NLCBF member local authorities to get their young people involved in YPBMF activities including:

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What does YPBMF do?

YPBMF Events

Which involve sharing good practice & national updates; the opportunity to network & share ideas with young people from other local authorities & asking young people for their views on specific topics.

Sharing YPBMF messages with leaving care professionals

Our Sessional workers & Champions (YPBMF volunteers) will host a session at each of our Practitioner & Managers events to communicate messages collated from the YPBMF events.

Opportunities to speak to Policy & Decision Makers

YPBMF members have regular opportunities to take part in consultations & meet with policy & decision makers about issues where the views of care experienced young people are being sought.

Annual ‘In their own Words Event’

The YPBMF host an annual event for decision makers to communicate key messages about issues that are a priority to them.

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Loved meeting other care experienced young people, hearing their stories & what they feel their authorities are doing well.

Care Experienced young person, YPBMF Event, May ‘22

Find out more about what the YPBMF have been up to

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Our Partners

We work closely with a large number of organisations and partners and we are keen to build relationships with others in the leaving care sector.

Find more about our partners